Friday, December 5

Feng Shui Your Space

Feng Shui is the philosophy that teaches that with healthy and balanced environments, we create a healthy and balanced body & soul. Creating a harmonious living/working space will clear your mind of clutter, energize your spirit and mind, and allow you to be productive, relaxed, and happy.
Whether it's your home or office, be sure that all things in your surrounding areas bring on positive emotions. Everything has energy (Energy Feng Shui), so work and relax in a positive space.
  • Stop.
  • Clear your mind of any biases.
  • Take a look around at each individual item.
Assess how each thing makes you feel, honestly. If you get stressed or unhappy focusing on something, get rid of it. If it makes you happy, keep it and place it in a clear surrounding that's in eye-sight. Your surroundings should best represent you (Symbolic Feng Shui) and on the other side of that your surroundings should help you achieve physical, emotional, professional, spiritual, and mental fulfillment and harmony (Personal Feng Shui).

Plants are not only amazing to view, but they also create clean air and represent growth, life, pure & positive energy, and add a Yin element. Below are plants that NASA has proven to clean the air and provide significant O2 amounts:
  • Syngonium
  • Ficus
  • Heart Leaf Philodendron
  • Boston Fern
  • Dumb Cane
  • Peace Lily
  • Dragon Tree
  • Lady Palm
  • Dwarf Banana

Organize your areas, and toss out any unwanted items. Keep bills and work neatly filed in a drawer or closed area, out of plain sight. This will avoid anxiety. Also be sure to never procrastinate, which leads to chronic stress, type-A depression, and illness.

Keep your blinds open to let in natural light, which will energize you and help you to avoid SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder).

Your main focus should be to radiate calm and productive energy that emanates efficient surroundings, and vice versa. CLEAR SPACE, CLEAR MIND


Monday, November 24

Healthy Holiday Hints

One of my biggest pet peeves is the labels of "diet" food. Many restaurants now even have a "healthy" section on the menu with the exact calories shown. While it's GREAT that we as a society are taking steps to bring awareness to healthy lifestyles, it's also naive to think that every chef measures and personalizes each portion to the exact amount that corporate has shown you via the menu. Also, sometimes the ingredients are bad for you but the portions are minuscule, leaving you hungry and irritated.

Try not to just go for what companies tell you are better, and instead go for what you know. Think about it, you wouldn't take a piece of candy from some stranger in a suit because he said it's "fat free and sugar free". Think for yourself. Take your favorite meal and make it healthy.

If you're dining out don't be afraid of telling your server what you want. As long as you say it with a smile, you'll be fine. If you're embarrassed to tweak an item to optimal health, tell your peers who you're eating with that you're lactose intolerant so you can't have anything cooked with butter and you can't have any cheesy or creamy products (cheese served at restaurants usually are the cheapest kind, therefore the most fattening), and that you're allergic to nuts so you can't have anything cooked with peanut oil. You can even tell them to let the chef know how to make something (i.e. saying "naked grill" so that they don't use any oil at all). Allergies and Intolerance's are no joke in the food industry, so rest assured you'll have the cleanest plate in the room.

Healthy Ingredient Substitutes to Make For Home
Instead of oil & butter use no sugar added apple sauce or apple butter
Instead of egg use two egg whites or 1/4 egg beater
Instead of flour use 100% whole wheat flour
Instead of Sour Cream use Fat Free Organic Plain Yogurt
Instead of Cream Cheese use Fat Free or Low Fat Cottage Cheese
Instead of butter or oil for nonstick cooking use a Spray
Instead of Milk use Skim
Instead of regular Sugar use Molasses or no sugar added pureed fruit
Instead of Whipped Cream use Whipped Evaporated Skim Milk
Instead of Mayonnaise use Low Fat Yogurt mixed with Low Fat Cottage Cheese
Instead of Dry Bread Crumbs (frying) use Oats or Sugar Free Bran Cereal Crushed (cook)
Instead of White Bread use 100% Whole Wheat Bread


Monday, November 17

Understand the Body & Relieving the Pain

Back/joint pain is something that 78% of Americans will suffer from at least once in their lifetime. When your body alerts you with pain, it's important to read what your body is telling you and understand why this is happening.

Back and joint pain are caused by Somatic (body) dysfunctions. These happen because of muscle imbalances (when a muscle/muscle group does more work than the opposing muscle/muscle group). For instance, if you've got a lower back problem then you are using your back to lift your torso or an item up instead of focusing on the hips and quads (muscle group above your knees consisting of Vastus Lateralis, Vastus Intermedialis, Vastus Medialis, Rectus Femoris). Knowing the cause can help you fix the problem. Focus on how your torso moves. If everything that you do is following a front or back move with your torso then you need to work on keeping your back straight and utilizing all other muscle groups first, like the legs. If one muscle is imbalanced, or does all the work, eventually it pulls bones out of alignment causing joint damage and herniation.

If you've suffered from joint pains for some time, try these two natural Cures to rebuild cartilage and alleviate pain:

  • Glucose Sulfate- (1,500 mg) promotes joint healing as well as alleviates stiffness and pain
  • MSM- (750 mg) methylsulfonlymethane which is a form of sulfur. Sulfur is critical for cartilage repair and health).

Find more helpful information on this subject at


Wednesday, November 12

Sugar Elucidation

Fact: America is highly medicated.

If you are suffering from: agitation, difficulty concentrating, weight gain, mood swings, sleep deprivation, headaches, and stomach discomfort and go to your doctor, there's a high chance that you'll walk out with a prescription for a brand of thyroid hormone replacement. Now, there are absolutely legitimate cases of hypothyroidism, however many times all that needs to be done are some little tweaks in your daily intake. Here's something to think about before shelling out a co-pay; what are you eating? If sugar is at all (and many times it's hidden) in your daily or even weekly diet, you may be experiencing its nasty effects. Here are some not so sweet facts about sugar that may leave you salty:

  • Sugar desensitizes taste buds, leaving you less alert and attentive then you naturally should be
  • Sugar puts stress on the adrenal glands which causes the same effects as stress does, releasing hormones that create an imbalance of your bodys "smooth sailing" systems. Released large amounts of Cortisol causes lack of Serotonin (tells your brain it's full) as well as a rise in Leptin (tells your brain you're hungry). It also creates an imbalance of insulin levels which can make you crave even more sugar.
  • Sugar puts stress on your liver, which is where toxins are processed
  • Sugar dehydrates your body, which creates quicker aging, a confusion in cravings, weak circulation, weak immune system, and a sluggish metabolism
  • Refined sugar (anything that's not 100% organic) is not recognized by the body like natural things would be (apple, raw vegetables, etc.) and is quickly stored in the waste areas (fat cells)

When you feed your body Natural things, your body thanks you from the inside to the outside. Keep it clean*


Tuesday, September 9

Real Remedies

If you're feeling down & out, hold off on the doctor and try some Natural Nourishment's that may heal your dilemma:
  • Ginseng: A Natural Anti-Inflammatory, Improves Mental Performance, Improves Cardiac Capacity therefore Improving Stamina and Endurance during Exercise
  • Eucalyptus: An Instant Stress Reliever, Fights Infections, Heals Wounds, Relieves Muscle Aches/Pains, Reduces Mucous Membrane Inflammation of Upper Respiratory Tract helping people with Asthma, Laryngitis, and Congestion
  • Apple Cider Vinegar: Everything from a Natural Hunger Suppressant to an Acne fighter. This is Natures Everything Medicine. It fights Sinus Infection, and it is a Natural Detox for your whole body system
  • Sage: Enhances Dark Hair through Wash, Used as Potpourri, and can be used as an Anti-Persprant because of its moisture Ridding Effect
  • Tea Bags: Put them in all of your drawers and closets for an instant relaxing fragrance

Friday, September 5

It's Just a Little FUNK

Seasonal Affective Disorder, Cabin Fever, Hibernation Season... Call it what you like. I say it's just a little funk. You feel funky, your motivation's all funky, your thought process is funky, you're just stuck in a Fitness Funk. Don't let the funkiness de-funkify your funky self! All you need to do when this happens is STOP, look back at your old processes, you know, the ones that worked. What were you doing? What have you strayed from? Are you getting your cardio in? How many days per week are you exercising and are you actually reaching your highest potential when in the gym? Are you pushing yourself? Are you eating things that weigh down your mind and body? Have you lost sight of WHY you want to be healthy?

Write these things down. Then, write down your program and plan your "Back on Track Attack"! (I know... a little too cheerleaderesque).
Here are some things to look at:
  • Nutrition
  • Daily Activity
  • Anaerobic Exercises (weights)
  • Aerobic Exercises (cardio)
  • Intensity
  • Toxins in your life
  • Lengthening (stretching and elongating the body)
  • Water Intake
  • Surroundings (stress, clutter, work, relationships)
  • Alcohol & Drugs (too much wine? Too many unnecessary medications?)
  •  Workout Diversity (are you switching up your routines enough to keep your body from plateau?)
  • Periodization (Is it time to amp up your level, add more time, add more circuits, etc. to your fitness regime?)
  • Are you working out at your optimal energy time?
Now, stop beating yourself up. We All get in Funks sometimes, it's normal to get off track when "life" gets in the way. Just remember; it's not living when you're not enjoying it. Focus on Wellness & Goodness and you'll watch everything fall into place

Tuesday, September 2


You're stressed. Even if you didn't think you were, you are. Maybe you carry your stress in your back, your shoulders, your neck... regardless, you've got it somewhere and it all comes crashing at one time.

Stress effects belly fat AND is a major component in early aging. No matter what, we're going to come across stress in our daily lives. Here's what to do when it does:
1.) Ask yourself why you're stressed and if the situation, person, job, etc. is worth your body and mind
2.) Ask yourself what you can proactively do to eliminate this stress, whether it be taking care of a situation immediately with positive energy or deleting that stressful aspect of your life completely
3.) Ask yourself if the object of your stress is within your control. If not in your control let it go and completely release it from your mind, body and existence.
4.) Instead of surrounding yourself in negative crowds or with stressful people and situations, take time to get to know yourself and feng shui your surroundings into a calm and cool environment. Then re-emerge into your social settings with serenity and happy armour:).

You control WHAT effects You and HOW it effects You, and if You don't believe that I shutter to think what ELSE You don't think You control.

Sunday, August 24

Exercise like you always Eat, Eat like you never Exercise

When you begin exercising and becoming healthy you may notice that you're hungry more often. This is because you're building muscle tissue as well as burning calories more rapidly throughout the day, so your system assumes this means that you need to take in more calories. Not so. In actuality you want to, if you're trying to lose weight, consume less calories and exercise more. As long as you know why you're craving consumption more often you'll in tern be able to understand that craving and know that it's completely normal and not to give in.

Like I always say; eat more fiber early in the day and past about 4pm stick with lean meats and veggies. The fiber will help you curve any cravings. Also, keep hydrated!!

Sunday, August 10

"Quick & Easy"

The most popular excuse as to why we eat so unhealthy is "Because they're quick and easy". I hear in my business all the time. The question is, is it really quicker and easier to always guess what you're going to eat, drive to get it, spend extra money, come back and eat it, and then feel guilty for the rest of the day about what you ate creating added stress??

If you pre-pack for the week or even the day with fresh and nutritious options from your grocery store, then you're erasing the wonder, stress, and guilt caused by the "fast food" that we put so much effort in excusing. Having apples, grapes, bananas, oranges, grapefruit, celery, clean (little ingredients) peanut butter, raw nuts, carrots, etc. available at your desk or home throughout the day will help you from going out and getting a "quick" treat because you've already got nutrients at hand. Making a whole wheat sandwich, grilled chicken/fish salad, pita & hummus, Mediterranean salads, etc. for your day prior to that day will keep you skinny, healthy, happy and stress free without the excuses!

Saturday, August 2

Big Muscle Little Muscle

Finding the correct anaerobic routine can be tricky. To get the most out of your weight exercise, work the big muscle first and then move to the little muscle. For example, if you're going to work on your chest area then do chest exercises (chest press, bench press, push ups) first, then move to tricep exercises (skull crushers, body dips, overhead tricep extentions). If it's your back that you want to work on, do back exercises first (lat pull downs, lat raises, seated rows) then bicep exercises second (bicep curls, pull ups, forward rows).

Back & Bi
Chest & Tri

Sunday, July 27


Ever had an amazing workout one day and the next morning you step on a scale and it reads over what it had been the day before? Don't freak out people! This is because when you get an anaerobic workout (weights, ploys) your muscles are literally tearing to build fibers, so in order to recoup they need hydration and they hold the water that you put into your body. It's about the same effect that salt does, but for a good reason:). So unless you figured that since you had a great workout you could indulge in a cake, it's just water retention in your muscles! Give it a day or two and then check out the results. It should be the same or less if your diet was the same or better. Also note that the numbers on the scale aren't the way to track progress. Built up stamina, endurance and how your clothes fit are the essential tool to use and listen to for self betterment tracking.

Friday, July 25

Preserved Products (Sucrose vs. Sodium)

Products that are boxed and stored with longer expiration dates are preserved through high levels of sucrose (sugar) or sodium (salt). I always say how important it is to stick with fresher foods, and this fact just confirms how unnatural it is to consume something that is boxed up or plastic wrapped and can last from two weeks to five months. It's difficult and overwhelming when you say that you will ONLY eat fresh foods and the last thing we want is for you to be so stressed about food that you store more and you give up. SO.. go with as much fresh as is obtainable for your time and means. If you absolutely must eat something that isn't as fresh then look at the ingredients. Steer clear of foods that are bleached or foods that have the words for sugar at the beginning of the ingredients lists. Go with foods that have cane sugar (most sugars are from the cane, but usually if it's organic cane then it still has nutrients) instead of sucrose or foods that don't have hundreds of milligrams of sodium. Remember, the closer your food is to the Earth the more recognizable your food is to the body.

Thursday, July 17

Diet Myths

  1. 100% Fruit Juice- Lookout for this one. What they mean is that the fruit juice inside is 100%, however they don't take into account the added sugar and preserves. Instead of looking at the Nutrition label (there will be Natural sugar), check the ingredients for any form of added sugar
  2. 0 Calorie Spray- A few years back some big food companies went to the Government stating that they'd like to state that their product contains zero calories. With this, the allowance was made that if the consistency per serving is 4 calories or less and it can be used as a cooking product, they can say that it's zero calories. Look at the serving size per bottle, 225-1,220 sprays. That could be 4 calories per spray. This is not to say that these are all horrible products (although they're definitely NOT all natural). It's still portion controlled through the spray bottle. So if you absolutely need something like this to keep you from over indulging, go for it. But remember, not natural. 
  3. 100 calorie snacks are always best- FALSE! The issue with 100 calorie snacks is although you have portion control, they're still chalk full of the sugar and preservatives. When they hit your systems since they're not fresh or natural your body does not recognize them so rather than utilize them for your body you store them because of little to no nutrients. You're far better grabbing an apple or some celery & peanut butter. Something FRESH and nutritious
  4. If I shower at night will it help me lose weight?- YES, if you're the type of person who snacks in the evening then doing your shower routine before bed will get you up and focused on something other than relaxing in front of the TV with a bag of chips. Also, you get to see your naked body! Sounds strange, but if you bare it all before sit down time you're less likely to indulge. Anything that you can work on at night to keep your mind off grazing is sufficient enough (unless it's a pie eating contest)
  5. The 'eating once per day' "diet"- We've seen people do this and lose weight from it, so why not?- There are SO many reasons why this should never be done, but the largest in terms of weight loss is this: your body will shut down! When you starve your body it begins to store anything that you put into it, and when it's only getting one thing per day your insulin levels rise and you reach for something high in fat and sugar.. This means that you're storing only bad foods. Then, when you do begin eating again you will have twice the fat count as you had before. If you keep to this diet for the rest of your life then eventually you'll have what I call the "Tire". You store more in the core abdominal region, and through time while you keep storing a large portion of what you take in you will accumulate throughout those trouble areas. Keep your metabolism constant and running with small nutritious meals throughout the day and you will defy age and stay lookin' slim and good
  6. When I'm pregnant I can eat whatever I want.. Hey, I'm eating for two!- WRONG! A.) you're NOT EATING FOR TWO! You can't count a fetus the size of a pea another person! (B.) This is the time when you should be eating the cleanest, freshest foods! Think about all of the facts now coming out about preservatives and obesity. If a babies' on board, stay close to nature with all that you consume
  7. A few glasses at night can't hurt- Actually, a few glasses a night is hurting your body more than you think. Alcohol is 7 calories per gram (that's more than carbs AND protein and just under fat!) and it puts stress on your body, and we all know what stress does to your waist line (if you don't then you need to read this blog more often;). It's also carbs/sugar at night which you're more likely to store as fat AND it will begin to take a toll on your skin, energy, happiness, and youth. One glass of red wine is ok, more is no good
  8. No Fat-  lots of labels are stating this claim now. Sure, there's no fat content, however the sugar will convert to fat in your system if you do not immediately burn it ALL off. Labels don't need to tell you the path that the ingredients will take in your system. 'No Fat' doesn't mean that the ingredients won't be stored as fat, which sugar usually is. Also remember that all fats are not created equal. We need healthy fats for cognitive function, tissue repair, and overall health. It's the Saturated and Trans Fats that you don't want, and the Monounsaturated and Polyunsaturated Fats that you do want.

Sunday, July 13


Homeostasis: Balancing the Body and Your Life

Homeostasis is defined as the ideal state of equilibrium in which body systems are working together in balance for optimal health. If one part of the body is weak, others have to compensate for it. Becoming fit and living a healthy lifestyle cannot only be achieved by solely exercise or just tweaking your diet. It comes from all elements of your life; your daily surroundings, the components of your diet, your daily activity level, your job, your relationships, your stress levels, your nutrient intake, relaxation, etc.

Without finding a happy and simplistic balance within all of these elements, you can never truly reach the level of health & wellness that is optimal.

Things to do to help you in your search for yourself, fitness, health, & serenity

  • DeClutter! Take a full day to completely declutter your house and office. Go into this with a clear mind and the mindset of "clear space, clear mind". If it doesn't REALLY have true value to you, toss it or give it away! (be sure to recycle if you're not giving it away, you're not only helping others and the environment, but you'll also feel better about yourself as a person:). This goes for the kitchen, living room, laundry room, bedroom, closet, office, etc. EVERYWHERE!
  • When all things pointless are gone, view your surroundings. Is the paint a soothing color or a color that brings out anxiety? Go with blues, greens, yellows, oranges, violets, salmons, even white. Try and stay away from blacks, deep reds, dark dark colors all together. Look at paint slabs, whichever ones make you smile.. GO FOR!
  • Now organize. Don't stash away. If it's memories, create books or memory boxes for them that go with your decor. If you've got a place where you throw your bills every time you get the mail, clear off that space and instead put taxes, bills, etc. in organized structured binders or boxes and place them in an office area or a clear cabinet/closet. Try and keep the stressful papers out of your 'relaxation rooms'. The places that you go to unwind.
  • Get your workout done at your highest energy level of the day. If you're energized in the morning, afternoon, right after work, etc. get it done at these times. This way you don't spend the rest of your time wondering when you'll fit it in
  • Get greens! Studies show that live plants/flowers in the home and office space decrease stress and anxiety and increase positive 'opium like' chemicals in the brain. Bamboo is GREAT because it's so easily kept and creates a very Zen atmosphere. Also, if you have the time to care for it, a bonsai tree is amazing to have in the house.
  • If you've got a task to do, GET IT DONE. Procrastination only causes high levels of stress. Do it and relax!
  • When you're home and relaxing for the day/night stash the phone/crackberry. This will be an "out of sight, out of mind" exercise that you should practice daily (not to mention the intense relationship therapy it will instantly provide)
  • Don't dread the workout! It's all psychological. If you are excited about the release and escape that your workout for the day will provide you, then there will be no psyching yourself out and instead of dreading and stressing, you'll be excited and looking foreword to it
  • Your body is your temple, and the only temple you've got. Treat it well. The things that you put into your body should be fresh. Fruits, Vegetables, Lean NATURAL Proteins, lots of Greens! If it's in a box or was found in the middle isles in the grocery store, it's preserved and probably has little nutritional value
  • Be nice to people. You don't know what others go through. Be happy that you're a good person and have a clean lifestyle, and spread that positive attitude to everyone that you see. The effects from one smile could eventually save the world.

Friday, July 11

Influences vs. Self Motivation

When I get a new client I ask many questions, one of which is "what is your motivation" and another "what will be your greatest challenge in reaching your goal". Sometimes the answer to question #1 is "my significant other", however all too often that answer is in reference to question #2, what is your greatest challenge.

Our loved ones hold a large place in our lives. They are the people who we go home to or go out with, so naturally we tend to convert to their habits while we're together. It's hard to have skinless chicken and veggies when your loved one is eating pasta salad.

There are two ways of looking at this. One way is the easy way, just giving in to the indulgences that our loved ones are doing and consuming.... this is the inside the box way. Another way, and my favorite as well as the most empowering, is to lead the way to a healthy you and a healthy loved one. Stick to your guns, in a nice way and with a positive attitude, and they'll follow in YOUR footsteps. This is the outside of the box way. Who says that they should lead and you conform?? Nobody! YOU lead the way with good clean nutrition, habits and lifestyle and they will follow. If they don't do this instantly, don't worry! No life change happens overnight. Give them time, patience, love and positive reinforcements.

Now you can live long healthy lives, together.

Thursday, July 3

Flaxseed Fanatic

Flaxseed is from the flax plant and is a small seed resembling a sesame. The benefits of flaxseed for your system is one that detoxifies as well as helps you to maintain a constant burning metabolism.

Flaxseeds nutrients include: protein, iron, fiber**, calcium, B vitamins, E vitamins, antioxidants, and Omega 3 fatty acids (ACA type).

With all of these healthy & wholesome components, this is truly one of natures best building blocks to a healthy body inside and out.

* Grounding the flaxseed and putting it in your morning coffee
* Sprinkling flaxseed into salads
* add them in your healthy sugar free cookies
* Flaxseed crackers:
-3 1/2 cups whole wheat flour
- 1/3 cup skim milk
- 1 cup warm water
- 1 1/4 tsp sea salt
- 1 packet dry yeast
- 1/4 cup honey
- 1/4 cup sugar free applesauce
- 1cup flaxseed
Combine milk, water, salt, applesauce, yeast, flaxseed, and honey in bowl and slowly mix in flour. Stir until dough sticks together, pulling from bowl walls. Take small amount of applesauce and spread it around dough. Roll dough into paper thin sheet and place on large oven sheet. Bake at 350* for 40 minutes. Take out and let sit for thirty minutes, then cut into desired pieces.
* Flaxseed oil into protein shakes or smoothies

Monday, June 23

Positive & Proactive

In keeping active on a daily basis it is imperative to maintain two of the best qualities:
  • Positive
  • Proactive

Stay positive; when you have the attitude that you can, you will.

Stay proactive; when you spend less time thinking about it and more time doing it, you get much more done without psyching yourself out.

Positiveness & Productiveness are two qualities that don't only make you succeed in your exercise life and achieve in your work life, but your optimistic outlook and constructive doing will make you congeniality and contagious.

Saturday, June 14

Idle Hands

One large reason for overeating is boredom. We sit in front of the tv, and we munch.. and munch... and munch!!

Next time you're catching up on that TiVo, grad a hobby. That could mean writing letters to friends and loved ones (bonus points**), scrap booking, needling, plan a vacation, turn the tv and organize your closet, clean your kitchen, finally go through that mail pile, plan your next girls night (if you're a guy, bonus points**), plan your next move on taking over the world (or your office**).

We get unnoticed gratification when we keep our hands busy. A reason why smokers find it so hard to quit is because hands to mouth becomes addicting. So instead of munchies, find a new habit/hobby. You'll get tons done and you'll watch your little waist shrink!

Disclosure: No, wine does not count as a hobby**

Tuesday, June 10

Refined Sugar and its effects on YOUR Body

Refined Sugar (sucrose)= extracted from the sugar cane or sugar beets, also extracting all purification and nutrition, therefore leaving an "empty calorie food", in other words a food with no nutrition.

Refined sugar is found everywhere. Most middle isles at the grocery store contain loads of sucrose. Cereal, anything preserved, bread, mayonnaise, ketchup, peanut butter, spaghetti sauce, microwaveable meals, etc.

Reasons to stay away: refined sugar has high blood glucose levels, slowing digestion and releasing high insulin levels (insulin takes sugar and stores it as fat), therefore causing obesity, high blood pressure (sugar creates high level of triglycerides which are a form of fat in bloodstream), decreased Serotonin (Serotonin tells your brain that you are full), low immune system (sugar depletes vitamin C in your cells).


Wednesday, June 4

Stuck in a Rut

You decided to become fit. You're relatively healthy throughout the week; exercising and practicing healthy & nutritious daily dieting ('diet' being the foods you consume throughout the day, NOT restriction). You've noticed a positive change, you're proud of yourself. Then, one week you step on the scale or try on your skinny jeans and to your horror... You've gained! But you've been doing so well, but you've made so much progress....

When this happens, which it will, instead of crashing, look at your routines (diet&exercise) from the past few weeks. If you've kept a Nutrition Diary, compare weeks. What did you slowly add to your diet? How much are you consuming of each product and have your portion sizes increased? Even if you've added foods that appear healthy, check them out further. Some foods are great in moderation but can easily add to additional calories/fat.

Check your workout program. Have you increased your anaerobic (weight) routine and decreased cardio? Added muscle and no cardio could mean that you're building muscle, but not burning the fat on top, creating a larger frame. Build the muscle, perform long stretches, and continuously do cardio.

How about your cardio program? Have you found a favorite and stuck to that particular program for the past week or more? If so, you may have reached a plateau and need to switch up your routine.

The easiest rut to find yourself in is the nutrition rut. Be sure to compare weeks, note the different foods taken or added to, and recognize what may be causing the problem.

Everybody goes through ruts. The trick is to relax, identify the problem and with a clear mind create the solution. A clear mind gets you everywhere. A stressed panic leads you negatively.

Saturday, May 31

Pre Tox and Detox

It's absolutely ok and encouraged to go out with friends and enjoy life. Sometimes, in the city nightlife that may involve a cocktail or two. This being the case, here is a great way to prepare and recuperate.

Detox: Rid somebody of toxic substances

When you know that you are going to go out on Friday with friends or have an event that will have toxins (alcohol), pilfering energy and leaving you sleep deprived, prepare your body for it before it happens. This is called to PREtox. Some great and effective ways to pretox are:
  • adding an extra ten minutes to everyday cardio routines the week prior to event
  • adding extra anaerobic (weight) routines to your schedule the week prior to event
  • raising your aerobic and anaerobic level the week prior to event (lowering it back to normal when event's over)
  • adding an extra exercise day the week prior to event
  • keep metabolism higher than normal two weeks prior to event by eating small/healthy meals throughout the day
  • stop eating three hours prior to sleep each night as well as drinking extra water throughout the day.

    After the day of the event, take the next day to recuperate and relax the body. When your body is usually healthy, rarely experiencing high toxins, it goes into a state of panic after a night of consuming such. Taking the next day to relax lowers your blood pressure/heart rate and allows your body to calm & recuperate. The most important component recovery is hydration. Drink triple the water amount that you would normally. This will detoxify your body. While you're taking in H2O, try and release the toxic substances in your body by going to a sauna or taking a hot bath/shower, naturally releasing the toxins. Sweating it out is one of the best forms of cleansing. (This does not mean sweat by exertion, hence sauna, bath or shower).

Your body will make you feel that you need something of fat substance (greasy foods), this is because of a raised acidity level in your stomach due to toxin directed stress on the body and consistency of consumed product. A great dietary option when this occurs is whole wheat crackers and a protein based brothy soup. The crackers will settle the acidity displacement and the soup will help hydrate the body. Then, the day after the day after, program your exercise routine as a detoxification lengthening/sculpting and cardio (i.e. do some yoga, holding the poses ten seconds longer than normal, and then do fifteen minutes extra cardio).

Another thing; try not to make outings with poisonous toxins (alcohol) a habit. More than twice a month is extreme for a healthy & well body and soul.


Thursday, May 29

plan a routine

The muscle is one of the most moldable substances in the world. With thousands of fibers and cell tissues composing one large structure and over 600 of these structures in the body the intelligence and possible formations pliable can be overwhelming. The key is creating a goal and sticking to it. One popular program that sports and conditioning trainers and coaches perform is periodization.

Periodization involves progressive training techniques and programs categorized within a period of time. Example; a female client comes in and has eight weeks to lose a specific weight number. One way to achieve this goal would be to map out each month, to each week, to each day. The first week we would train four times in that week focusing on weight lifting, targeting the larger muscles. The next week we would incorporate routines using the body weight (plyometrics) making the heart rate go up, creating an added caloric burn. The third week we would focus on the large muscles as well as secondary muscles (smaller), plyometrics, and cardio routines creating a circuit (combining aerobic and anaerobic activity). The fourth week would be mainly cardio for longer periods of time. Then we start all over but up the level of resistance. The last week would primarily be intense cardio activity creating a leaner structure therefore seeing the muscular tone defined.

Make a personal plan of action for YOUR goals.
