Sunday, July 13


Homeostasis: Balancing the Body and Your Life

Homeostasis is defined as the ideal state of equilibrium in which body systems are working together in balance for optimal health. If one part of the body is weak, others have to compensate for it. Becoming fit and living a healthy lifestyle cannot only be achieved by solely exercise or just tweaking your diet. It comes from all elements of your life; your daily surroundings, the components of your diet, your daily activity level, your job, your relationships, your stress levels, your nutrient intake, relaxation, etc.

Without finding a happy and simplistic balance within all of these elements, you can never truly reach the level of health & wellness that is optimal.

Things to do to help you in your search for yourself, fitness, health, & serenity

  • DeClutter! Take a full day to completely declutter your house and office. Go into this with a clear mind and the mindset of "clear space, clear mind". If it doesn't REALLY have true value to you, toss it or give it away! (be sure to recycle if you're not giving it away, you're not only helping others and the environment, but you'll also feel better about yourself as a person:). This goes for the kitchen, living room, laundry room, bedroom, closet, office, etc. EVERYWHERE!
  • When all things pointless are gone, view your surroundings. Is the paint a soothing color or a color that brings out anxiety? Go with blues, greens, yellows, oranges, violets, salmons, even white. Try and stay away from blacks, deep reds, dark dark colors all together. Look at paint slabs, whichever ones make you smile.. GO FOR!
  • Now organize. Don't stash away. If it's memories, create books or memory boxes for them that go with your decor. If you've got a place where you throw your bills every time you get the mail, clear off that space and instead put taxes, bills, etc. in organized structured binders or boxes and place them in an office area or a clear cabinet/closet. Try and keep the stressful papers out of your 'relaxation rooms'. The places that you go to unwind.
  • Get your workout done at your highest energy level of the day. If you're energized in the morning, afternoon, right after work, etc. get it done at these times. This way you don't spend the rest of your time wondering when you'll fit it in
  • Get greens! Studies show that live plants/flowers in the home and office space decrease stress and anxiety and increase positive 'opium like' chemicals in the brain. Bamboo is GREAT because it's so easily kept and creates a very Zen atmosphere. Also, if you have the time to care for it, a bonsai tree is amazing to have in the house.
  • If you've got a task to do, GET IT DONE. Procrastination only causes high levels of stress. Do it and relax!
  • When you're home and relaxing for the day/night stash the phone/crackberry. This will be an "out of sight, out of mind" exercise that you should practice daily (not to mention the intense relationship therapy it will instantly provide)
  • Don't dread the workout! It's all psychological. If you are excited about the release and escape that your workout for the day will provide you, then there will be no psyching yourself out and instead of dreading and stressing, you'll be excited and looking foreword to it
  • Your body is your temple, and the only temple you've got. Treat it well. The things that you put into your body should be fresh. Fruits, Vegetables, Lean NATURAL Proteins, lots of Greens! If it's in a box or was found in the middle isles in the grocery store, it's preserved and probably has little nutritional value
  • Be nice to people. You don't know what others go through. Be happy that you're a good person and have a clean lifestyle, and spread that positive attitude to everyone that you see. The effects from one smile could eventually save the world.

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