Sunday, July 27
Ever had an amazing workout one day and the next morning you step on a scale and it reads over what it had been the day before? Don't freak out people! This is because when you get an anaerobic workout (weights, ploys) your muscles are literally tearing to build fibers, so in order to recoup they need hydration and they hold the water that you put into your body. It's about the same effect that salt does, but for a good reason:). So unless you figured that since you had a great workout you could indulge in a cake, it's just water retention in your muscles! Give it a day or two and then check out the results. It should be the same or less if your diet was the same or better. Also note that the numbers on the scale aren't the way to track progress. Built up stamina, endurance and how your clothes fit are the essential tool to use and listen to for self betterment tracking.
Friday, July 25
Preserved Products (Sucrose vs. Sodium)
Products that are boxed and stored with longer expiration dates are preserved through high levels of sucrose (sugar) or sodium (salt). I always say how important it is to stick with fresher foods, and this fact just confirms how unnatural it is to consume something that is boxed up or plastic wrapped and can last from two weeks to five months. It's difficult and overwhelming when you say that you will ONLY eat fresh foods and the last thing we want is for you to be so stressed about food that you store more and you give up. SO.. go with as much fresh as is obtainable for your time and means. If you absolutely must eat something that isn't as fresh then look at the ingredients. Steer clear of foods that are bleached or foods that have the words for sugar at the beginning of the ingredients lists. Go with foods that have cane sugar (most sugars are from the cane, but usually if it's organic cane then it still has nutrients) instead of sucrose or foods that don't have hundreds of milligrams of sodium. Remember, the closer your food is to the Earth the more recognizable your food is to the body.
Thursday, July 17
Diet Myths
- 100% Fruit Juice- Lookout for this one. What they mean is that the fruit juice inside is 100%, however they don't take into account the added sugar and preserves. Instead of looking at the Nutrition label (there will be Natural sugar), check the ingredients for any form of added sugar
- 0 Calorie Spray- A few years back some big food companies went to the Government stating that they'd like to state that their product contains zero calories. With this, the allowance was made that if the consistency per serving is 4 calories or less and it can be used as a cooking product, they can say that it's zero calories. Look at the serving size per bottle, 225-1,220 sprays. That could be 4 calories per spray. This is not to say that these are all horrible products (although they're definitely NOT all natural). It's still portion controlled through the spray bottle. So if you absolutely need something like this to keep you from over indulging, go for it. But remember, not natural.
- 100 calorie snacks are always best- FALSE! The issue with 100 calorie snacks is although you have portion control, they're still chalk full of the sugar and preservatives. When they hit your systems since they're not fresh or natural your body does not recognize them so rather than utilize them for your body you store them because of little to no nutrients. You're far better grabbing an apple or some celery & peanut butter. Something FRESH and nutritious
- If I shower at night will it help me lose weight?- YES, if you're the type of person who snacks in the evening then doing your shower routine before bed will get you up and focused on something other than relaxing in front of the TV with a bag of chips. Also, you get to see your naked body! Sounds strange, but if you bare it all before sit down time you're less likely to indulge. Anything that you can work on at night to keep your mind off grazing is sufficient enough (unless it's a pie eating contest)
- The 'eating once per day' "diet"- We've seen people do this and lose weight from it, so why not?- There are SO many reasons why this should never be done, but the largest in terms of weight loss is this: your body will shut down! When you starve your body it begins to store anything that you put into it, and when it's only getting one thing per day your insulin levels rise and you reach for something high in fat and sugar.. This means that you're storing only bad foods. Then, when you do begin eating again you will have twice the fat count as you had before. If you keep to this diet for the rest of your life then eventually you'll have what I call the "Tire". You store more in the core abdominal region, and through time while you keep storing a large portion of what you take in you will accumulate throughout those trouble areas. Keep your metabolism constant and running with small nutritious meals throughout the day and you will defy age and stay lookin' slim and good
- When I'm pregnant I can eat whatever I want.. Hey, I'm eating for two!- WRONG! A.) you're NOT EATING FOR TWO! You can't count a fetus the size of a pea another person! (B.) This is the time when you should be eating the cleanest, freshest foods! Think about all of the facts now coming out about preservatives and obesity. If a babies' on board, stay close to nature with all that you consume
- A few glasses at night can't hurt- Actually, a few glasses a night is hurting your body more than you think. Alcohol is 7 calories per gram (that's more than carbs AND protein and just under fat!) and it puts stress on your body, and we all know what stress does to your waist line (if you don't then you need to read this blog more often;). It's also carbs/sugar at night which you're more likely to store as fat AND it will begin to take a toll on your skin, energy, happiness, and youth. One glass of red wine is ok, more is no good
- No Fat- lots of labels are stating this claim now. Sure, there's no fat content, however the sugar will convert to fat in your system if you do not immediately burn it ALL off. Labels don't need to tell you the path that the ingredients will take in your system. 'No Fat' doesn't mean that the ingredients won't be stored as fat, which sugar usually is. Also remember that all fats are not created equal. We need healthy fats for cognitive function, tissue repair, and overall health. It's the Saturated and Trans Fats that you don't want, and the Monounsaturated and Polyunsaturated Fats that you do want.
Sunday, July 13
Homeostasis: Balancing the Body and Your Life
Homeostasis is defined as the ideal state of equilibrium in which body systems are working together in balance for optimal health. If one part of the body is weak, others have to compensate for it. Becoming fit and living a healthy lifestyle cannot only be achieved by solely exercise or just tweaking your diet. It comes from all elements of your life; your daily surroundings, the components of your diet, your daily activity level, your job, your relationships, your stress levels, your nutrient intake, relaxation, etc.
Without finding a happy and simplistic balance within all of these elements, you can never truly reach the level of health & wellness that is optimal.
Things to do to help you in your search for yourself, fitness, health, & serenity
Homeostasis is defined as the ideal state of equilibrium in which body systems are working together in balance for optimal health. If one part of the body is weak, others have to compensate for it. Becoming fit and living a healthy lifestyle cannot only be achieved by solely exercise or just tweaking your diet. It comes from all elements of your life; your daily surroundings, the components of your diet, your daily activity level, your job, your relationships, your stress levels, your nutrient intake, relaxation, etc.
Without finding a happy and simplistic balance within all of these elements, you can never truly reach the level of health & wellness that is optimal.
Things to do to help you in your search for yourself, fitness, health, & serenity
- DeClutter! Take a full day to completely declutter your house and office. Go into this with a clear mind and the mindset of "clear space, clear mind". If it doesn't REALLY have true value to you, toss it or give it away! (be sure to recycle if you're not giving it away, you're not only helping others and the environment, but you'll also feel better about yourself as a person:). This goes for the kitchen, living room, laundry room, bedroom, closet, office, etc. EVERYWHERE!
- When all things pointless are gone, view your surroundings. Is the paint a soothing color or a color that brings out anxiety? Go with blues, greens, yellows, oranges, violets, salmons, even white. Try and stay away from blacks, deep reds, dark dark colors all together. Look at paint slabs, whichever ones make you smile.. GO FOR!
- Now organize. Don't stash away. If it's memories, create books or memory boxes for them that go with your decor. If you've got a place where you throw your bills every time you get the mail, clear off that space and instead put taxes, bills, etc. in organized structured binders or boxes and place them in an office area or a clear cabinet/closet. Try and keep the stressful papers out of your 'relaxation rooms'. The places that you go to unwind.
- Get your workout done at your highest energy level of the day. If you're energized in the morning, afternoon, right after work, etc. get it done at these times. This way you don't spend the rest of your time wondering when you'll fit it in
- Get greens! Studies show that live plants/flowers in the home and office space decrease stress and anxiety and increase positive 'opium like' chemicals in the brain. Bamboo is GREAT because it's so easily kept and creates a very Zen atmosphere. Also, if you have the time to care for it, a bonsai tree is amazing to have in the house.
- If you've got a task to do, GET IT DONE. Procrastination only causes high levels of stress. Do it and relax!
- When you're home and relaxing for the day/night stash the phone/crackberry. This will be an "out of sight, out of mind" exercise that you should practice daily (not to mention the intense relationship therapy it will instantly provide)
- Don't dread the workout! It's all psychological. If you are excited about the release and escape that your workout for the day will provide you, then there will be no psyching yourself out and instead of dreading and stressing, you'll be excited and looking foreword to it
- Your body is your temple, and the only temple you've got. Treat it well. The things that you put into your body should be fresh. Fruits, Vegetables, Lean NATURAL Proteins, lots of Greens! If it's in a box or was found in the middle isles in the grocery store, it's preserved and probably has little nutritional value
- Be nice to people. You don't know what others go through. Be happy that you're a good person and have a clean lifestyle, and spread that positive attitude to everyone that you see. The effects from one smile could eventually save the world.
Friday, July 11
Influences vs. Self Motivation
When I get a new client I ask many questions, one of which is "what is your motivation" and another "what will be your greatest challenge in reaching your goal". Sometimes the answer to question #1 is "my significant other", however all too often that answer is in reference to question #2, what is your greatest challenge.
Our loved ones hold a large place in our lives. They are the people who we go home to or go out with, so naturally we tend to convert to their habits while we're together. It's hard to have skinless chicken and veggies when your loved one is eating pasta salad.
There are two ways of looking at this. One way is the easy way, just giving in to the indulgences that our loved ones are doing and consuming.... this is the inside the box way. Another way, and my favorite as well as the most empowering, is to lead the way to a healthy you and a healthy loved one. Stick to your guns, in a nice way and with a positive attitude, and they'll follow in YOUR footsteps. This is the outside of the box way. Who says that they should lead and you conform?? Nobody! YOU lead the way with good clean nutrition, habits and lifestyle and they will follow. If they don't do this instantly, don't worry! No life change happens overnight. Give them time, patience, love and positive reinforcements.
Now you can live long healthy lives, together.
Our loved ones hold a large place in our lives. They are the people who we go home to or go out with, so naturally we tend to convert to their habits while we're together. It's hard to have skinless chicken and veggies when your loved one is eating pasta salad.
There are two ways of looking at this. One way is the easy way, just giving in to the indulgences that our loved ones are doing and consuming.... this is the inside the box way. Another way, and my favorite as well as the most empowering, is to lead the way to a healthy you and a healthy loved one. Stick to your guns, in a nice way and with a positive attitude, and they'll follow in YOUR footsteps. This is the outside of the box way. Who says that they should lead and you conform?? Nobody! YOU lead the way with good clean nutrition, habits and lifestyle and they will follow. If they don't do this instantly, don't worry! No life change happens overnight. Give them time, patience, love and positive reinforcements.
Now you can live long healthy lives, together.
Thursday, July 3
Flaxseed Fanatic
Flaxseed is from the flax plant and is a small seed resembling a sesame. The benefits of flaxseed for your system is one that detoxifies as well as helps you to maintain a constant burning metabolism.
Flaxseeds nutrients include: protein, iron, fiber**, calcium, B vitamins, E vitamins, antioxidants, and Omega 3 fatty acids (ACA type).
With all of these healthy & wholesome components, this is truly one of natures best building blocks to a healthy body inside and out.
* Grounding the flaxseed and putting it in your morning coffee
* Sprinkling flaxseed into salads
* add them in your healthy sugar free cookies
* Flaxseed crackers:
-3 1/2 cups whole wheat flour
- 1/3 cup skim milk
- 1 cup warm water
- 1 1/4 tsp sea salt
- 1 packet dry yeast
- 1/4 cup honey
- 1/4 cup sugar free applesauce
- 1cup flaxseed
Combine milk, water, salt, applesauce, yeast, flaxseed, and honey in bowl and slowly mix in flour. Stir until dough sticks together, pulling from bowl walls. Take small amount of applesauce and spread it around dough. Roll dough into paper thin sheet and place on large oven sheet. Bake at 350* for 40 minutes. Take out and let sit for thirty minutes, then cut into desired pieces.
* Flaxseed oil into protein shakes or smoothies
Flaxseeds nutrients include: protein, iron, fiber**, calcium, B vitamins, E vitamins, antioxidants, and Omega 3 fatty acids (ACA type).
With all of these healthy & wholesome components, this is truly one of natures best building blocks to a healthy body inside and out.
* Grounding the flaxseed and putting it in your morning coffee
* Sprinkling flaxseed into salads
* add them in your healthy sugar free cookies
* Flaxseed crackers:
-3 1/2 cups whole wheat flour
- 1/3 cup skim milk
- 1 cup warm water
- 1 1/4 tsp sea salt
- 1 packet dry yeast
- 1/4 cup honey
- 1/4 cup sugar free applesauce
- 1cup flaxseed
Combine milk, water, salt, applesauce, yeast, flaxseed, and honey in bowl and slowly mix in flour. Stir until dough sticks together, pulling from bowl walls. Take small amount of applesauce and spread it around dough. Roll dough into paper thin sheet and place on large oven sheet. Bake at 350* for 40 minutes. Take out and let sit for thirty minutes, then cut into desired pieces.
* Flaxseed oil into protein shakes or smoothies
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