This is my obnoxious way of saying when you're lazy, rest assured your body and all its inner glory will be too. Working out is great, but if 90% of your day consists of sitting on your butt, that 10% won't do you much good.
The Circulatory System consists of the heart, lungs, capillaries and veins and effects everything in the body. When I say Circulation, I mean Blood Flow.
When it comes to FAT LOSS, the key is increased blood flow. When your blood flow increases, like during exercise or physical activity, the blood vessels in your muscles dilate, making blood flow greater. This allows Systemic Circulation, taking the good stuff (oxygen, nutrients, H2O) to the cells and removing the other stuff, (adenosine, toxins, hydrogen ions, carbon dioxide) from the cells. This counts for the adipocytes (the Fat Cells).
Lack in Blood Flow = an increase in Triglycerides (unused calories stored in fat cells). What we want is to remove the fat from the fat cells, not make it accumulate!
Active, Healthy Blood Flow = transportation of the fatty acids from the fat cells to active tissues, where they can be BURNED.
If the Circulatory System is lacking, it effects all other systems. Here are some effects of poor circulation to the body:
- Slowed Metabolism
- Cellulite/ Fat Accumulation
- Fatigue
- Memory Loss
- Migraines
- Lack of Aerobic Endurance & Capabilities
- High Blood Pressure
- Chest Pain
- Increased Possibility of Heart Attack & Stroke
- Lackluster Skin Tone (Cyanosis)
- Muscular Cramping
- Numbness
- Swelling of Hands, Feet, Ankles
- Varicose Veins
- Itching
- Skin Breakdowns, Infections, Sores
- Lack of Stamina
- Etc.
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