Sunday, August 10

"Quick & Easy"

The most popular excuse as to why we eat so unhealthy is "Because they're quick and easy". I hear in my business all the time. The question is, is it really quicker and easier to always guess what you're going to eat, drive to get it, spend extra money, come back and eat it, and then feel guilty for the rest of the day about what you ate creating added stress??

If you pre-pack for the week or even the day with fresh and nutritious options from your grocery store, then you're erasing the wonder, stress, and guilt caused by the "fast food" that we put so much effort in excusing. Having apples, grapes, bananas, oranges, grapefruit, celery, clean (little ingredients) peanut butter, raw nuts, carrots, etc. available at your desk or home throughout the day will help you from going out and getting a "quick" treat because you've already got nutrients at hand. Making a whole wheat sandwich, grilled chicken/fish salad, pita & hummus, Mediterranean salads, etc. for your day prior to that day will keep you skinny, healthy, happy and stress free without the excuses!

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